Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Download Wordpress 2.9.2 - the latest edition

The latest stable release of WordPress (Version 2.9.2) is available in two formats from the links to your right.

New Features

■Trash status for posts, pages, and comments (includes restore and permanent delete)

■Add support for 'include' and 'exclude' to [gallery] (Gallery Shortcode)

■Allow user registration to be enabled by an XMLRPC client

■Add support for sticky posts to the WXR exporter and importer

■'rel=canonical' for singular pages

■Scroll back to the same location after saving a file in the Plugin and Theme editors

■Correct comments and remove unnecessary echos from the default themes sidebar template file

■Enable the APP (Atom) attachment file download to work correctly

■Support location of category templates based on 'category-slug' as well as 'category-id' (Ticket 10614)

■Support location of tag templates based on 'tag-id' as well as 'tag-slug' (Ticket 10868)

■Support location of page templates based on 'page-slug' and 'page-id'

■Set "Allow my blog to appear in search engines" to checked in installation

■Don't offer to make a category its own parent

■Remove Sphere from search list

■Minify admin CSS

■Show correct max upload filesize error message

■Add 'rel' attribute to next/previous post links

■Make the default and classic themes comment textareas valid XHTML

■Clean up '.button' and '.button[disabled]' CSS classes, add 'spinner' and 'gray-out' buttons after clicking Publish or Update post

■Fix race condition with autosave when clicking Publish immediately after entering post title

■Add Comments for Pages in the WordPress Default theme

■Better feedback on publishing of future posts and pages

■Display comments in descending date order, consistently

■Add means of automatically repairing tables

■Press This bookmarklet fixes

■Give plugins and themes simple control over the text displayed at the end of an autogenerated Excerpt

■Don't show "Change Permalinks" button when editing the page set as "Front page"

■Image editing

■Retire BunnyTags importer

■Retire Jerome's keywords importer

■Explain that the permalink is temporary for autosave generated permalinks

■Update SimplePie to 1.2

■Eliminate the redundant and confusing comment threading depth of 1

■Easier Embeds with oEmbed support (see Ticket #10337) (oEmbed discovery disabled by default, use plugin to enable it)

■TinyMCE 3.2.7

■Remove rel='tag' on links in Tag Clouds

■Add a title to the Home link output by wp_page_menu()

■Adjust comment moderation keyboard shortcut keys 'd = trash' or delete depending on the screen

■Show "Draft updated" instead of "Post updated" when saving draft

■Show the login form in a popup when autosave hits the login grace period

■Open View/Preview post in a new window from the link in the Saved/Updated message

■Separate fields for 'image alt' and 'image caption' in Media uploader

■Display better information about broken themes when there is no stylesheet

■Improve situation when tables such as wp_options table were 'corrupt' new installation message was offered. Add means of automatically repairing tables

■Export and import custom taxonomies

■Admin copy improvements

■Don't show page templates in the drop down if they are in a subdirectory

■Make codex link open in a new window

■Change 'Remove' link on widgets to 'Delete' because it doesn't just remove it, it deletes the settings for that widget instance.

Requires MySQL 4.1.2 or greater

DOWNLOAD .zip                                       DOWNLOAD .tar.gz
Size: 2.2MB                                                                    Size: 2.0MB